Hello from North Carolina

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Hello from North Carolina

Post by walter_j64bit »

I'm a long time Atari user starting with the 2600 to the Atari 4160STe most of you know from AA. :cheers:
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Re: Hello from North Carolina

Post by exxos »

walter_j64bit wrote: Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:13 am I'm a long time Atari user starting with the 2600 to the Atari 4160STe most of you know from AA. :cheers:
:welcomewave: Tell us what you use your beloved Ataris for :)
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viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
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Re: Hello from North Carolina

Post by walter_j64bit »

The 2600 I like to play the un-liked Pac-Man :lol: and any game that push the system. Games like Phoenix, Star castle and all of the Starpath games! 8-)

When it comes to 7800 games I play mostly home brews they are awesome! 8-)

The 5200 that is a beast of a System and pricey to keep it's my odd ball system, I know most of the games have been converted to the A8 but that's not real hardwired or is it? :?

My Atari 800XL that was my daily driver from the 80's to the 90's! Today I use it for Print Shop, I've got a database for it I need to Catalog my Jag collection with it.

The St was the last Atari computer I've got. My first one was from an Atari user group at the time Atari was losing to PC's so the user group was closing its doors for good. :cry: I didn't know much about the St at that time I had a hand full of PD software and PD games, PC ditto and ST XFormer the idea of using the A8 software on the St kept me busy for some time. :lol: Today I love tracking down PD software and PD games for the ST some thing about home brews I like.

The Jaguar! When I got, I knew that Atari was on its way out! Being an Atari fan I had to get their last game system and every official game that was made for it. :o
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