Another registration, another Aussie

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Another registration, another Aussie

Post by vattari »

Hi All,
I'm glad to join a no-nonsense forum and keep up-to-date on the new and exciting developments on the horizon.

About me, it's Paul from Geelong, Australia. Maybe it was driven by a mid-life crisis ;) but I decided to revisit my early computing years by purchasing an 1040STf back in 2015. With the same wide eyed wonder reading the ST magazines back in the 80s, I read up on the other models and, this time, without the budget of a teenager working at KFC, went about purchasing other models that I wish I had had back in the day. The collection is more or less complete, but the projects that go with them is far from it. I did also enter the Amiga world too for the first time to see what all the fuss was about. I'm still wedded to the Atari range though.

Good to see other forum members here whose worked I've admired from a distance.
I look forward to reading up on the latest hardware.

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Re: Another registration, another Aussie

Post by IngoQ »

Hi Paul, welcome to our little corner of the internet :)

What you wrote reminded me a lot of myself... I too developed around the time of midlife the urge to revisit my past, and especially all these nice computers in it. And yes, not having a kids budget is a really nice feeling and I often find my self thinking, what would I had given at that age, to have access to all this machines... But what I find especially great about today, is the wealth of information we now have at our fingertips. Had we known that at earlier times, we could have gotten so much more out of these machines...

So, do you have plans to widen your experience and go into other machines as well?
Ingo :geek:

| Atari 1040STE@32MHz | Amiga 1200 (ACA1220) | Atari 800XL (U1MB, SIDE2) | Atari 130XL (Sophia DVI) | C64 (1541 Ultimate II, Rev3 RFMod Replacement) | TI 99/4A (F18A, 32k, FlashROM 99) | Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128 (Stereo, DivMMC) | Amstrad CPC664 (512k, M4 Wifi) | ... |
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Location: Victoria, Australia

Re: Another registration, another Aussie

Post by vattari »

I have a feeling complete Atari collection: Mega ST’s, STE, Mega STE’s, TT’s and Falcons but while I’ve had a few STf and STFMs (which I originally owned), I haven’t kept one in my collection.
Depends how you look at it, Mega ST 1 is entry level for me now!

I did dig out a non working 800XL from my garage which I purchased during the Great 8bit Purge in the 90s in a garage sale. I bought it then for nostalgic reasons as it was the first Atari computer I had ever own. Now I have 130XE, XEGS, boxed 600XL and a 1200XL. I’ve gone “solid state” for storage for these, owning the MyIDE2 and SIDE2 cartridges. Given my original 800XL only had the 1010 tape drive, it always puts a smile on my face to be use cartridges with more software than I could ever own back in the day, or loading from a SIO2SD device more disk (images) than a paperboy could afford!
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