A treasure worth of information!
I read through your Atari ST PSU capacitor and upgrade information writeup which explained things very well. My foremost question was about why you've suggested to use different valued capacitors (the LaST upgrade: part 6 -PSU update) for when recapping the various Atari ST power supplies. Well, now I know -to further improve their existing performance!
My question is about mixing "old" (the capacitor values used originally) together with the "new" values (those suggested on your PSU page). I've bought all the values suggested, in Panasonic's FR-series (low-ESR) from a reputable dealer, but for the two 400V capacitors I couldn't get the suggested value (150uF/400V) with a similar hour/temperature rating as the rest of the capacitors, so I opted for a 120uF/400V (the original value used in this PSU) instead. Will this cause any problems? If yes, I can always get that 150uF/400V cap instead, although the hour/temperature rating will be a lot lower.
Mind you, these are 400V caps are "normal" capacitors (good quality, reputable brand though) and not the low-ESR variety.
I've attached the schematic below (Mega STe power supply: PSM 5341) with the Exxos suggested values. The 150uF/120uF capacitor in question is circled in red.