I created this thread to list the current mandatory fixes. These fixes are classified as mandatory based on recurring issues across multiple motherboard revisions, which have been consistently addressed by the modifications outlined in the articles. These problems have also been observed by other users over time, with the same modifications serving as the solution, which is why we consider them essential. If you want to keep your machines in excellent condition with all the latest known fixes and patches, please pay close attention to the details below!
Please note that these fixes assume a stock machine. I cannot provide clarification or support for any additional hardware add-ons or modifications made after completing the mandatory fixes.Additionally, please ensure that you are reasonably skilled in desoldering and soldering. Attempting these modifications as your first soldering project could cause irreparable damage to your motherboard.
1) All machines - PSU needs recapping.
There is enough evidence over the years to show this should now be mandatory for all machines. Not only do some STE machines failed to boot with 4MB RAM in them because of aged power supplies, the faults can be even worse where voltage spikes can kill machines like Falcons. Look after your PSU!
Also be warned that some PSU caps may be fitted backwards , so always check!
2) All machines - Parity SIMMS - do not use them!
There has been undeniable proof that some parity simms are not stable in STE machines in particular when the power supply is failing or a accelerator is used. While people may not generally have issues on a stock machine this does not mean there are not issues. So do not use parity simms in any circumstances unless you remove the parity chip from them. See HERE for a typical failure.
3) STE ,STFM,MEGA ST, (likely other machines effected) DMA Pull up on databus needed.
As people know I have invested best amounts of time to investigating DMA issues. While this is a huge complex topic with various faults, I am passing it mandatory to add a 10K pull up network to the DMA databus. This will solve, and even prevent, future issues with hard drives and floppy drives.
4) STE ,STFM,MEGA ST, (likely other machines effected) 1772 PULL UPS.
The 1772 Has a set of inverters on its output which connect the floppy drive. The original Atari drives had internal pull-up resistors however, other compatible drives such as the MPF920 (and possibly others) do not have the resistors and should be fitted to the Atari directly.
5) STE - Change the CPU for HC type to fix DMA issues.
Changing the STE to a HC type will help solve a lot of DMA related issues. In general write issues with ultrasatan or other hard drives. These are a lot cheaper than replacing the DMA chip itself with a 001 (or "good DMA") which are rather expensive and are generally not in sockets.
6) Falcon - buffer patch.
Adding the clock buffer patch will solve stability issues with the Falcon. It is possible further fixes may be required relating to this topic.
http://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/last/ ... /index.htm
7) Falcon - Bulk capacitance.
Changing the 4700uF capacitor one of my capacity kits has been known to solve some SDMA audio related issues. Not only that, my capacity kit will help eliminate voltage spikes coming from the power supply is generally kill the Videl first.
8) STE - Video Ghosting FIx.
The STE and indeed MSTE, suffer from a ghosting problem in the video. Luckily I found a really simple fix this.
http://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/last/ ... /index.htm
9) STFM video sync problem
These machines seem to suffer from the video going out of sync intermittently or constantly. Some fixes for this are listed below which generally involve recapping the video circuit.
http://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/last/ ... /index.htm
10) All machines - clean your floppy drive!
Such a simple thing and is really done. Of course with floppy head cleaner kits being hard to find or stupid prices, we can easily clean the heads with a little bit of IPA. This will solve a lot of issues reading from floppies.
http://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/last/ ... /index.htm
11) ST/F/M/E /MEGA ST - Reset fix
Reset circuit is malfunctioning due to bad design and 30 year old bad caps. Machines fail to reset on power up and often need the reset button to be pressed to start the machine.
12) ST/F/M/E /MEGA ST- Bus resistors
Bus resistors can cause all sorts of random issues. Plugging in a cartridge can make the machine unstable, changing the brand of the CPU or ROM's can cause various malfunctions. The bus resistors need to be changed for 2.2K to resolve the issues. Most STF/M machines had 10K resistors on the address and databus, these should be replaced with 2.2K. Similar with STE where early machines had 10K and some mixed 4.7K. These need to be replaced with 2.2K.
NOTE: The bus resistor changes assume a stock machine or required if mentioned in any of my 68000 booster install documents.
13) Falcon Csync video fault and other capacitor problems.
Some falcons had a incorrectly fitted capacitor in the video circuit causing issues. Please read the article and check your capacitor before replacing it.
A lot of parts can be obtained from my webstore or general electronics outlets.
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See here for more information viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7296
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viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/ - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
a.d. 4) Gotek units have internal 1k pull-ups on shugart bus, so no need to make this mod for them.
- Posts: 94
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:53 am
- Location: Evansville, IN, USA
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
Hey Exxos, for fix #12 changing the bus resistors to 2.2K, that fix is a little light on info and has no write-up yet. I see you said more information to follow. I'm also assuming each ST style and each motherboard variation may be a little different as far as resistor numbers, location, etc.
I'm putting together a component order for all the mandatory fixes, as well as some other mods/repairs/upgrades I'm working on. Do we at least have a maximum amount of 2.2K resistors that would be required for this fix, so I can add them to my order?
I'm putting together a component order for all the mandatory fixes, as well as some other mods/repairs/upgrades I'm working on. Do we at least have a maximum amount of 2.2K resistors that would be required for this fix, so I can add them to my order?
8-bit - 800XL - 1050 w/Happy Mod - XF551 - SIO2PCUSB - Ultimate Cart - an assembled, but not quite 100% working 1088XEL & CF3 Dual, "new" filthy 600XL & 800XL winter repair & restoration projects, 400 restoration project
16-bit - 1040STF, TOS 1.4, Gotek - 4160STE, dual-TOS 1.62/2.06, Gotek - Ultrasatan - SF314 Drive - Golden Image Master 3A-1D Drive
Consoles - 2600 Vader - Lynx II
16-bit - 1040STF, TOS 1.4, Gotek - 4160STE, dual-TOS 1.62/2.06, Gotek - Ultrasatan - SF314 Drive - Golden Image Master 3A-1D Drive
Consoles - 2600 Vader - Lynx II
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
Thats the problem, so many revisions, locations, numbers, it will take a while to document it all. If you can state which board you have I will see if I have one here and document that one first.bfollowell wrote: ↑Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:55 am Hey Exxos, for fix #12 changing the bus resistors to 2.2K, that fix is a little light on info and has no write-up yet. I see you said more information to follow. I'm also assuming each ST style and each motherboard variation may be a little different as far as resistor numbers, location, etc.
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/ All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/ - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/ - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
- Posts: 94
- Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:53 am
- Location: Evansville, IN, USA
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
Will do. British Post told the seller it was almost twice as much to ship across the pond as either of us was expecting, so I don't have it in hand yet. I'll document what I have once get into it and we'll go from there.
If it's one of the revisions you don't have documented well yet, I'll be glad to help with that.
If it's one of the revisions you don't have documented well yet, I'll be glad to help with that.
8-bit - 800XL - 1050 w/Happy Mod - XF551 - SIO2PCUSB - Ultimate Cart - an assembled, but not quite 100% working 1088XEL & CF3 Dual, "new" filthy 600XL & 800XL winter repair & restoration projects, 400 restoration project
16-bit - 1040STF, TOS 1.4, Gotek - 4160STE, dual-TOS 1.62/2.06, Gotek - Ultrasatan - SF314 Drive - Golden Image Master 3A-1D Drive
Consoles - 2600 Vader - Lynx II
16-bit - 1040STF, TOS 1.4, Gotek - 4160STE, dual-TOS 1.62/2.06, Gotek - Ultrasatan - SF314 Drive - Golden Image Master 3A-1D Drive
Consoles - 2600 Vader - Lynx II
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
Hi, for the processor replacement, an MC68HC000FN10 would work? http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datashe ... FN10.shtml
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
Any 68HC000 should work.
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/ All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/ - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/ - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
I just verified my mainboard and is an CA4003290. P100 is already 1.2K (so no need to change) and the rest are 4.7k, DMA is 001A so there is no immediate need to replace the CPU with an HC, but I'm asking anyway as less power consumption sounds good.
Changing capacitors to this mainboard is something recommended (given the bus noise seen)?
Thanks as always, you guys are very helpful!
Changing capacitors to this mainboard is something recommended (given the bus noise seen)?
Thanks as always, you guys are very helpful!
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
I haven't done any research on effects of caps on the main board. Though as the reset caps have mostly gone bad, probably others have as well.
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/ All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/ - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
https://www.exxosforum.co.uk/atari/store2/ - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
Re: --- > MANDATORY FIXES < ---
Hi there, I have done all mandatory fixes *except* replacing bus resistor SIL packs. My STE motherboard is an CA4003290 with 4.7k packs and wanted to be sure before attempting this change. So far this machine was behaving very well with no issues, except the case I found now where using SCUMVMLITE (with any game) crashes when sound (DMA or YM) is active. Music (YM or MIDI) works without issues, when sound is OFF the game works with no crashes at all.
So, this seems to be related with the typical BUS instability, so I'm now thinking about replacing these SIL packs (with 2.2k) and maybe the big 4700uf motherboard capacitor.
That makes sense?
Thanks in advance,
So, this seems to be related with the typical BUS instability, so I'm now thinking about replacing these SIL packs (with 2.2k) and maybe the big 4700uf motherboard capacitor.
That makes sense?
Thanks in advance,