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Basic Troubleshooting - Before you go MODding

The place to visit to learn tips on how to troubleshoot your machine.
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Basic Troubleshooting - Before you go MODding

Post by rubber_jonnie »

Sometimes we get all excited when we have a new kit, expansion or MOD of some sort for our beloved machine to make it better than ever, but after a recent instance of an issue on the site, I thought it would be pertinent to add a note about process here.

Before you start, make sure you have all materials and tools you need for the job to hand. It makes things just that little bit easier to do.

Be patient, read through things more than once, and if anything at all seems odd or doesn't make sense, then ask questions before you solder.

We aim to help on this forum and it's better to ask first than have to unpick a problem later. even if it slows you down a bit.

Also, if there are things that need to be fixed to ensure the instructions are clear, then we can do that too. What is obvious to one person, may not be to another and we will always aim to make instructions as clear as possible.

I am almost always available online during the day in the UK, so don't be afraid to ask (I may not reply immediately, as I'm also working, so please be patient), we are here to help, and if I can't answer your question I know the right people to ask.

Collector of many retro things!
800XL and 65XE both with Ultimate1MB,VBXL/XE & PokeyMax, SIDE3, SDrive Max, 2x 1010 cassette, 2x 1050 one with Happy mod, 3x 2600 Jr, 7800 and Lynx II
Approx 20 STs, including a 520 STM, 520 STFMs, 3x Mega ST, MSTE & 2x 32 Mhz boosted STEs
Plus the rest, totalling around 50 machines including a QL, 3x BBC Model B, Electron, Spectrums, ZX81 etc...