They are on the way to me

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There are a few items which are deliberately not fitted.. Such as the two oscillators and reset switch, but am going to try and figure out how to ship them in the same package.... After looking at the board people will need the MFP and floppy GAL and even flopper power cable.. And even the RGB connector..
I was thinking of including these within the box but is going to be rather tricky

there will be more of a "get you working" type of kit, but some people may want other chips or connectors, which would have to be ordered separately anyway..
But I cannot really cover every scenario of what people want.. I have to pre-packaged these things up in advance because of time restraints I have.. Have to allocate today to package them all up and then that is it I cannot change things afterwards because I just don't have the time. So what is shipped in the box has to be standard across everything.
So let a load of people complain against the notion, I plan to include, the reset switch,MFP, 2 x oscs, GAL and floppy cable. Then theoretically all people really need is the main IC's from a donor board to get the thing booting.
The most problematical thing will be the RGB connector because of its size it may just be physically impossible to put this in the box.. But at least they can be recovered relatively easily from a donor machine anyway..
Other problems are things like the ROM, I cannot just ship one ROM or have several different versions of the ROM in a standard "kit". that some people may be forced to do a second-order anyway..
Ultimately it would just be way simpler just to sell the motherboard " as is" as it would take up a lot less of my time and things could be shipped out a lot faster that way... But it also seems a little after people only want the oscillators to force them to do a separate order.. Because what people want is essentially random I cannot really standardise anything which makes it very complicated....
Thoughts ?