FS - PiColeco and PIRTO II cartridges

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FS - PiColeco and PIRTO II cartridges

Post by rubber_jonnie »

Hi all.

I currently have 3 PiColeco cartridges and 4 PIRTO II cartridges for sale at £15 each including postage. I am currently unable to 3d print cases, so they are being sold as bare boards only. This does not affect functionality.

IMG20250102171715.jpg (250.58 KiB) Viewed 60 times

They are a little like the A8Picocart for the Atari 8 bit computers, but for the Colecovision and Intellivision consoles respectively.

Essentially they boot to a menu and use the onboard 16MB of flash storage to hold ROM images selectable from the menu.

More details can be found here: Picoleco Github repository and here: PirtoII Github repository.

Please register your interest on this thread first, and please note that these are for sale in the UK only.

Collector of many retro things!
800XL and 65XE both with Ultimate1MB,VBXL/XE & PokeyMax, SIDE3, SDrive Max, 2x 1010 cassette, 2x 1050 one with Happy mod, 3x 2600 Jr, 7800 and Lynx II
Approx 20 STs, including a 520 STM, 520 STFMs, 3x Mega ST, MSTE & 2x 32 Mhz boosted STEs
Plus the rest, totalling around 50 machines including a QL, 3x BBC Model B, Electron, Spectrums, ZX81 etc...
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