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WIP Atari ST ScummVM-lite

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Re: WIP Atari ST ScummVM-lite

Post by jeloneal »

Are you loading HDDRIVER into TT RAM? Try switching it off.
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Re: WIP Atari ST ScummVM-lite

Post by stephen_usher »

jeloneal wrote: Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:29 pm Are you loading HDDRIVER into TT RAM? Try switching it off.
Yes, as that's the default and required to get many games to work.

I'm always scared about touching the HDDriver settings. It's far too easy to screw up royally and possibly lose data. You never know what is atomic and what isn't in HDDUTIL.
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Re: WIP Atari ST ScummVM-lite

Post by jeloneal »

I came across a problem with my Falcon trying to run Indy 4. On my other machines (Mega ST/E and STE) it runs perfectly, from IDE, SCSI and Ultrasatan ACSI.

On Falcon I cannot get it to run. I'm using HDDRIVER 11.03/11.04 and tried different settings for it to no avail. I tried your latest version and it just gives me a blank screen. Older versions at least gave me the initial sound setup menu. After that I get just 2 bombs when it starts to install.

With NVDI 5 it takes me to the install screen and bombs there.

When I try to set resolution to LOW or MED it gives even more bombs. Tried to copy the resources over to the CF card several times from different machines and even did a complete reinstall on SD instead of CF. Same result.

Is there anything special I need to do to get it run on the Falcon?

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: WIP Atari ST ScummVM-lite

Post by sviru »

Just wanted to say that it was absolutely awesome job with ScummST.

I have 1040STE with 4megs + US.

Monkey 1 talkie and Monkey 2 talkie works better than on my Amiga 500 for sure. I run music through ROLAND MT32.

Is ScummST dead or are there any plans for other games and usse of blitter etc?
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Re: WIP Atari ST ScummVM-lite

Post by agranlund »

sviru wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 8:17 pm Just wanted to say that it was absolutely awesome job with ScummST.
I have 1040STE with 4megs + US.
Monkey 1 talkie and Monkey 2 talkie works better than on my Amiga 500 for sure. I run music through ROLAND MT32.
Is ScummST dead or are there any plans for other games and usse of blitter etc?
Thank you!
I still haven't actually played through Monkey Island 2 on my ST, which was a bit of the motivator for the entire thing :lol:

I don't really have any plans to add anything more to it so I guess you could say it's finished or dead. But since it's open source it can live forever and perhaps someone else finds inspiration to make improvements or fixes to it :)
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