Purchased from : ... 3d-printer
Ordinarily I would not bother writing reviews. But as the above company kept pestering me with emails to write a review I did just that. I doubt it will get published so rather than wasting all my rants but I would paste it all here as well
I'm not out to slate this company or their products. I think this printer has great potential but unfortunately it is a little way off yet.
So here it goes..
As I keep getting tested to write a review.
The good points : it seems well constructed but a lot of the screws even on the pre-assembled parts were actually loose. I first benchy out of the box printed amazingly well.
The baby step feature to adjust the head even in real-time is very useful along with temperature and other speed settings.
Does have a very large LCD screen. I think if anything it is a little too big for desktop usage. It is responsive and seems to function well. My only gripe with it is that my LED ceiling lights reflect off it with LED which makes it difficult to see.
The printhead seems to work very well. I have had no issues loading and unloading filaments. It was one of my buying points for this printer was the quality of the head.
Everything else, mostly bad.
Out of the box and assembly are somewhat confusing because the instructions stopped making sense at step four. It was a nice touch that bags were labelled in correlation to steps, but bag 4 was missing and the screws were loose in the box. Even so the instructions made even less sense as they went on. I think these instructions were for the previous pre-release models.
I was unable to find any manual on the Internet pass the quick construction guide which came with the printer. I never had a reply from BIQU but I asked some questions even before buying the printer, I guess I should have took that as a omen.
As other reviews of mentioned, the fan in the power supply is rather loud. Though as this is a "of the shelf" PSU I cannot really hold the printer at fault for this. But I think people will definitely want to change this at some point you are working in close proximity to the printer.
It comes with some blanking off plates for the corners of the printer which is a nice touch. However unfortunately they do not actually stay attached to the printer, so I'll probably have to glue them on.
while this does level the bed it is not actually accurate and has some bizarre bugs. I spent about two weeks puzzling over this as there is no instructions how to set it up. Upon printing a test square with 50% infill, it was printing 50% fill as expected, then 100% infill. This was repeated across my test square. I think this coincides with where the probe measures the bed. I can only assume the software does not take a average measurement between points. So part of the bed end up higher than others which actually defeats the object of bed levelling. In any case, when I turn this off and recalibrated the print was consistent across the bed that 50% infill. Recalibrating and turning on bed levelling brought back the problem.
this also had me puzzling for some time because the head would either be 2mm above the bed at the home position or crash into the bed regardless of how I set it up.
For example if I homed the Z-axis, the head would move 2mm upwards, so I would move it back down with software and set their head 0.2mm above the bed. However if I Homed again, the head would crash into the bed.
Part of this problem seem to be a poor quality Z-switch. When the head is moving vertically down, switch clicks and activates, then moves upwards 2mm, and slowly moves back down again. As expected. The problem is it takes a additional 2mm travel before it registers it has actually physically moved 2mm high. Basically it was totally impossible to calibrate the bed height as the switch on and off positions on switch varied too much.
So out of pure frustration I replaced with a Voron hall effect switch which I fitted to the side of the printer. Now when the Z-axis moved up and down the would consistently be at the same physical location and the software will then report accurately location. So I was unable to set up the bed and home without it crashing into the bed.
However there is also some bug in the firmware or something, where I'm not sure how to repeat this exactly, but if the home position already homed, and you home again only the Z-axis, even though the switch is already activated, it would not move upwards first and then slowly move down as you would expect, it continues to move down about 2mm until it registers the switch. This is not the which I fitted up for as it has a LED show when activated. So there should be no reason for the printer to move Z-down when it is already homed.
The work around for this is to always home the X-axis first, as the head physically misses the end of the bed. So if it moves 2mm too far down it does not crash into the bed.
Other printers seem to have a synchronisation belt on the dual Z-motors. I can now see why. Every time the printer is turned off left overnight and turned on again, the X axis would be totally out. In fact it managed to move 2mm on the right-hand side and not the left-hand side. So when the printer powers up on the motors are engaged, the X axis is way out of alignment. Again out of frustration, I just disconnected that motor and unbolted the guide wheel. Now I do not have this out of alignment problem.
One of the first things I noticed was the rear 2 bed wheels were actually loose. It was causing the bed to wobble all over the place. There was no way to adjust this so I had to dismantle the bed assembly and physically bend the metal plate so it aligned with the runners properly.
as other reviewers have pointed out, the black coating on the bed seems to come off incredibly easily. I thought this was primarily down to the reviewers being of prerelease units. But after a short time the build platform is pretty much destroyed.
Also a problem is while printing ABS (moan if you like about this) magnetic sheet does not stay firmly attached to the bed and starts to curl up in particular when printing with a hot bed over 100c. I'm not really surprised about this. But I really should not be having to bring the bulldog clips out to hold it all down.
I think this printer has great potential. But as it is a new on the market printer, I expected there would be some problems, but I think there are a few too many problems out-of-the-box. I hope these will be all be fixed in the future. As other reviewers have stated, it would have been better with linear rails at least on the X-axis. The dual Z-motor drive work as this current setup do not work properly.
So given the choice would I buy this printer again ? Is a difficult question because I am mostly annoyed as I needed to print parts for work which I have not been able to do because of debugging this printer for the past few weeks. I would probably say no overall. I would probably look for a printer which has a synchronised Z-axis, linear rails, and possibly the option of fitting the H2 head to it instead.
If all of my problems were addressed and fixed in later versions, then I would probably not hesitate to buy this printer. But in his current condition, I think there could be better ones out there.
There are various interwoven posts in my blog about such issues as well ... 540#p71693 All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
Dismantling the bed to straighten it out. All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions. - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
@exxos That sucks. The mechanical part of my Creality CR10 V3 was mostly good. It had the same dual Z motors which I had to fit a sync belt to but hasn't been a problem since. On mine the electronics were a nightmare, especially when trying to fit a BLTouch to the original motherboard. The original motherboard got binned, along with the LCD and some BTT stuff got fitted instead.
I guess there's no such thing as a hobby level reliable printer, unless you're going to spend thousands.
I guess there's no such thing as a hobby level reliable printer, unless you're going to spend thousands.
If it ain't broke, test it to Destruction.
When I was looking at the more expensive printers which are like £8,000 mark, are they really that much different to a cheaper one ? I suspect it is expensive mostly because they ( I assume) give better support than the lower cost printers. I would assume they have better mechanics and such, but does not mean they are perfect and without problems either.
I think for the most part, people don't really notice things as much as me. I mean out of the box it printed the benchy perfectly. I guess it depends what you are printing as well. I am trying to get the best out of the printers and do precision printing. If I was just printing out crap from thingyverse and I probably would have not noticed half of the problems. All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions. - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
@exxos very true, half of my stuff needs to be spot on size wise which it is fortunately now but it took ages to set up. All in I think mine ended up costing me around £600-700 but so far so good (he says whilst crossing his fingers and toes)
If it ain't broke, test it to Destruction.
This is why I built my own based on Voron.
- You have control on where you source parts and make sure they are good quality such as no warped beds etc. Although it does take time to research and source the parts.
- If has a large community behind it and it had a lot of mods to suit different needs
- You can mod it yourself if need be
Trying to print in PETG now. This stuff Is like a cross between latex and chewing gum
You can also see the destroyed printer bed. The white parts at the front I have not yet been able to remove.
You can also see the destroyed printer bed. The white parts at the front I have not yet been able to remove. All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions. - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
I have been puzzling again over why the Z-axis is always out. I have a magnetic sensor running so should be pretty accurate.
The problem seems to be when I home Z. it moves up 2mm afterwards. So I then have to move it down 2mm. Do the sliding paper trick so set the offsets.. Then I home again and it crashes into the bed then moves up. So its all out again.
I think what the problem may be is the the "baby step" feature which allows "home" to be changed up or down (offsets) doesn't get used when Z-home is triggered.
Currently I am coming, and moving 0.4mm upwards for my bed offset height. Problem is, when I home, its likely ignoring that 0.4mm and going down to zero which is actually 0.2mm into the bed. So I will have to manually setup home and not use the offset feature
The problem seems to be when I home Z. it moves up 2mm afterwards. So I then have to move it down 2mm. Do the sliding paper trick so set the offsets.. Then I home again and it crashes into the bed then moves up. So its all out again.
I think what the problem may be is the the "baby step" feature which allows "home" to be changed up or down (offsets) doesn't get used when Z-home is triggered.
Currently I am coming, and moving 0.4mm upwards for my bed offset height. Problem is, when I home, its likely ignoring that 0.4mm and going down to zero which is actually 0.2mm into the bed. So I will have to manually setup home and not use the offset feature All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions. - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
That seems to be better now. I reset the offset . Homed Z. Then when it moved 2mm upwards I moved it down via the pc control panel. Then leveled the bed manually with a layers of paper. Now the heads not crashing into the bed after homing. What a faff.
It's ironic as it has auto leveling bed feature. But that always thinks there's a toilet roll in the middle of the bed for some reason
It's ironic as it has auto leveling bed feature. But that always thinks there's a toilet roll in the middle of the bed for some reason All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions. - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
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Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.
Here is the end of the BIQU after getting the QIDI printer.
Most likely "breaking for spares". Don't think it's worth trying to solve all the neverending problems with the thing. Likely will keep a few bits and bobs as I spent a fortune on the thing. I think I have 1 or 2 BNIB motherboards for the thing somewhere aswell.
Most likely "breaking for spares". Don't think it's worth trying to solve all the neverending problems with the thing. Likely will keep a few bits and bobs as I spent a fortune on the thing. I think I have 1 or 2 BNIB motherboards for the thing somewhere aswell. All my hardware guides - mods - games - STOS - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions. - All my hardware mods for sale - Please help support by making a purchase.
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585 Have you done the Mandatory Fixes ?
Just because a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it a fact. ~exxos ~
People should find solutions to problems, not find problems with solutions.