Added "raven/drivers/mpu401" to release package. ... .A1.latest
This is an ISA card MPU401 midi driver for Atari bios.
Meaning any application using the standard Atari bios interface for midi can automatically route to your ISA card.
The driver hooks
midi-out and to ISA port 330 as default, leaving midi-in mapped to motherboard.
That behavior, as well as port number, can be changed and is explained in the readme file.
With this in place I'm going to retire those temporary "midi-isa" plugins for Jam + mxPlay as they're no longer needed.
The normal "midi.mxp" and "midi.jam" works with both motherboard and ISA midi depending on if you're using the MPU401 driver or not.
(Doom will use the standard bios interface for midi, hence the reason I finally got around to making this driver