Yamaha Motif Rack and Roland Super JV-1080 Bank Changes

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Yamaha Motif Rack and Roland Super JV-1080 Bank Changes

Post by drdave17 »

Hi Folks

Need to know if anyone is using a Roland Super JV-1080 and Yamaha Motif with Notator.

I used to have a controller bank setup that will allow me to access the different banks but those disks might now be buried away somewhere.

Any help?

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Re: Yamaha Motif Rack and Roland Super JV-1080 Bank Changes

Post by Atari Music Network »

Did you make your own controller set-up for the Yamaha Motif?

Wouldn't it be fantastic if someone could update all the drivers for Notator and Cubase to work with all (or at least most) modern synths?

Although I can't help you personally, I'd be willing to post any utility or driver for download should you find it.
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Re: Yamaha Motif Rack and Roland Super JV-1080 Bank Changes

Post by exxosuk »

Actually you can work with more modern synths and Notator.
It's a bit fiddly, but simply a case of working with Controller 0 and 32: Bank select MSB and LSB values to 'dial up' the relevant banks of sounds.

Most manufacturers use this system to access those 1000s of sounds onboard, but even now, several different makes use different ways of getting those sounds .
and may often number them in seemingly arcane ways.
As an example, here's the listing of bank numbers for the Technics WSA1, together with their equivalents in controller 0 and 32:
  • WSA1 Bank MSB (0) LSB (32)
    0 0 0 Rom 1
    16 0 16 Rom 2
    128 1 0 User 1
    144 1 16 User 2
    256 2 0 Ext
    512 4 0 Drum ROM
    640 5 0 Drum User 1
    656 5 16 Drum User 2
Now to someone who's not a technogeek and hasn't a clue about hexadecimal, the above seems rather arbitrary, and I certainly don't understand Technics own patent bank numbering system! :cry: In fact it took me some time and an awful lot of gnashing of teeth to work out the controller values, as the manual wasn't very helpful.
Even more arcane is the manual for the Emu Morpheus, which buries the bank change info in the middle of programming tutorials :cry: and then gives you the exact hexadecimal message to send thus:
Bn 00 00 20 II Cn pp where n = MIDI chan no, II = bank number (0-4) and pp= preset in new bank :? :cry:

Are we there yet?
I've managed to get some kind of working idea using Controller 0 and values of 0-4 for each bank of presets, but it's all rather flaky at the moment and when all else fails I simply dial up the sound from the rotary controller on the front of the unit, which is rather defeating the object of the exercise :oops:

So to sum up.
Yes you can access all the sounds, but look in the manual for the controller bank messages and enter those in the edit page of your track, like this:
1/1/1/3 Controller 0 value 0 (Probable default value or calling up the first bank)
1/1/1/5 Controller 32 value 0 (same default).
1/1/1/7 Sound number (0-127)

Obviously the values for the controllers change for the banks that you want, if you see what I mean!

Once you find out which controller values dial up the different sound banks, you're there. Be aware that some manufacturers don't even use Controller 32 so you might be lucky here!

Hope this helps,

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Re: Yamaha Motif Rack and Roland Super JV-1080 Bank Changes

Post by drdave17 »

Had login problems. Yes I was able to figure out a strategy for the MSB and LSB setup and so far I am able to access some of the banks in the Motif. If anyone want to help work on it I would love to be able to get to the other banks and can send you what I have so far.

As for the JV1080 I had stopped using it but it is now connected back up today but I am having a problem trying to use c-lab export with the Mega STE. I have a 25/9 pin adapter that allowed me to connect it to the modem 1 port but I think i need a pin out in order to reconfigure the pins. I think after that it should work.

My Unitor is already using E,F and A is my Korg Triton Controller and why I finallly hooked up the Export. I am a firm believer in separate midi channel ports at least as far as I can take it.

The Motif setup for Atari is kinda funky so you have to reverse the LSB and MSB as
0 63 instead of 63 0
Problem is the other banks call for higher numbers like
1 63, 2 63, 2 63, and so on but as you can see you will run into controllers already in use.

What I have so far...

1 1 1 1 Program - Ch1 - 52
1 1 1 1 Control - Ch1 - 0 - 63
1 1 1 1 Control - Ch1 - 32 - 0

You can see the thread here I just haven't had time to continue working on it just yet.

http://www.motifator.com/index.php/foru ... ad/446660/

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