Petition Dr.T to continue development on KCS Omega II

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Are you willing to pay for a new version of Dr.T's Omega KCS II if the price is within reason?

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Petition Dr.T to continue development on KCS Omega II

Post by Atari Music Network »

One of AMN's mandates is to "reinspire" developers to update their products for the Atari platform. Emile Tobenfeld (better known as Dr.T) apparently stopped development of KCS Omega II in 1993 at version 5 citing "burn-out" and disinterest in his company. It seems he's moved on to other creative ambitions (including photography) since then. Since I'm sure he has no idea this website exists, I propose we surprise him with a survey poll expressing the Atari community's willingness to support (monetarily, of course) the redevelopment of his software.
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Re: Petition Dr.T to continue development on KCS Omega II

Post by Metrophage »

I love Dr. T's software, it's what drew me to the Atari in the first place. But I need to respect his opinion about developing his software. The guy wants a real business model, so he can afford to devote his time instead of doing something half-assed. Also, his FAQ mentions that he regretted not developing for Windows, so even if he did resume might not benefit the 68k crowd directly. If I strike it rich, I would throw him some money - but let's not hold our breath for this to happen.

I still think that KCS Omega is the ultimate MIDI sequencer. And let's give props to The Dr for making most of his products available as shareware for continued use, instead of locking it all away like some other developers do.
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