I think that all the programs from DrT where really inovative ... to my opinion probably much more that Steinberg.
It is a different philosophy not as professional, clean, and "square" but with a lot of very advance capabilities... not found on any other programs.
Of course the master piece is the KCS/Omega composition system ... Tim Atari Midi World present it (http://tamw.atari-users.net/omega.htm) as the "Serious Software for the THINKING Musician". For sure you had to think a bit before using some of the features
But other programs like:
- Graphic Song Editor
Music mouse
The Instrument Editor/Librarian like the DE50 where more conventional.
For information All these programs are using "floppy disk protection" (you can look at my document on the subject at http://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.ph ... 67#p102867 ). But they can be copied with the Discovery Cartridge. I did not try to make copy with pasti but this should work if you want to run them on Steem.