Atari TT030 on YouTube

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Atari TT030 on YouTube

Post by mal7921 »

For those of you wondering if it is really possible to network your old trusty Atari kit, here is a quick video showing that it is indeed possible[youtube][/youtube]
The collection:

Atari 260ST, 520ST, 520ST+, 520STfm, STacy, Mega ST2
Atari STe, Mega STE, ST Book
Atari TT030, with 2GB Hard drive
Atari Falcon, 14MB, 40GB IDE drive
Atari Megafile 44

The website and the Atari bit
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Re: Atari TT030 on YouTube

Post by atarisince1989 »

Of course is possible to network the Atari :) I have my Falcon030 with an EtherNEC and I surf the web with Highwire and FTP with Newsie. I don't use mail because Newsie and aMail only do POP3 without SSL, and Gmail (the only mail server I use) requires SSL.

The FTP I use mainly for transfering files between my PC and the Atari. Quite fast and very useful when you want to transfer lots of megabytes of samples to your Atari :D
My toys:
- Atari 520 STE 4MB RAM TOS 2.06 + UltraSatan
- Atari Falcon030 (running SpareMiNT+TeraDesk) 14MB RAM TOS 4.04 + 4GB Microdrive & external CF slot + NVRAM mod + SCSI buffer clock mod + EtherNEC
- Amstrad CPC 6128 + HxC USB Floppy Emulator
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