Please, recommend a good synth

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Re: Please, recommend a good synth

Post by Spadz »

The proteus 2x line, such as the Morpheus, Audity 2000 (which I own as well) are all derived from the E4 architecture.

It's about the same features as EOS 3. But when you upgrade to EOS 4, you get many more LFO shapes, filters...

I bought the Audity way after the E-Synth (also have, but not is use en E64 which was my first E4), and it has the same lush warm sound and since the OS is pretty much like EOS, it's easy for me to get into it.

And, I won't sell either of them. The audity has amazing arppegios, where the E4 has only the basic ones, and the Audity syncs to MIDI clock like a charm, where the E4 is kinda so so in that feild...

MegaST4,STacy 2, Notator SL 3.51/Unitor 2.
several Synths, guitars, stuff and a PC/Reaper/E-mu 1820m "recorder".
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Re: Please, recommend a good synth

Post by Nativ »


I have a Yamaha MU128 that I use alongside my Midi Controllers and the Atari, The MU range seems quite nice, and can have plug in boards added too.
Starter MU 15
Full on MU2000

I have a Korg X5D as 1st midi controller, this has some nice sounds and editable too. There is a Half rack version of this.

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Re: Please, recommend a good synth

Post by atarisince1989 »

Nativ, my 1st synth ever was a Korg X5DR sound module, and I liked it very much. Sadly I made the mistake of exchanging that for a ZOOM guitar multieffects that I've never used too much. Well, I was young and naive :lol:

I used the X5DR with a Roland PC-200 keyboard.
My toys:
- Atari 520 STE 4MB RAM TOS 2.06 + UltraSatan
- Atari Falcon030 (running SpareMiNT+TeraDesk) 14MB RAM TOS 4.04 + 4GB Microdrive & external CF slot + NVRAM mod + SCSI buffer clock mod + EtherNEC
- Amstrad CPC 6128 + HxC USB Floppy Emulator
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