Wanted : Cubase Audio Clock Module

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Wanted : Cubase Audio Clock Module

Post by blaylok »


Hi there fellow atari users,
I have recently been able to successfully set up my 14mb Falcon with a kingston 133x elite pro 4gb CF card running on an ide to cf adapter, and an external scsi hard drive enclosure that houses an iodata idsc21-e scsi adapter connected to a cf card adapter with a 16gb kingston 133x elite pro.
Have installed Cubase Audio and it all seems to boot up ok......but

I purchased a steinberg fa8 and fdi unit (they came together) last year, but unfortunately the two units came without the Cubase Audio Clock Module. So everytime i boot Cubase Audio it has trouble initiating the FDI i get a message saying "no or instable external sample clock! No S/PDIF input, or possibly a digital loop".

Would anyone out there be able to help me out with this either by selling me a cubase audio clock module, or is there some kind of workaround for this problem?

Cheers in advance

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Re: Wanted : Cubase Audio Clock Module

Post by mal7921 »

Nice Falcon setup you have there :)

Sounds like you either have a faulty FDI, a faulty cable or a faulty FA8. Did the FA8 come with a power supply as it needs to be powered?

Have you tried plugging the FDI in on its own into the DSP port and if so, does this work? Also there is the FDINIT.PRG utility available here which needs to be placed in your falcon's auto folder, which can sort a few issues out with tempremental FDI units.
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Re: Wanted : Cubase Audio Clock Module

Post by xfalcon »

You dont' nead a Cubase Audio Clock Module if you have the FDI. The FDI ist the audio clock.
Make sure you have FDINIT.PRG or MATRIX.PRG in your auto folder.

Have you try it with other programs like Aniplayer or Studioson?
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