AMN is back

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AMN is back

Post by mal7921 »

Welcome back to the Atari Music Network, as you can see, the site is pretty much back up and running, though there are a few things to still tidy up here and there (At the time of typing this).

Getting this back up and running has not been easy due to things like time differences between the UK and the US, which makes anything close to real time communication over email pretty much impossible, however the site is back.

Keeping a site like this running takes a lot of time and effort, without this nothing runs at all. Which is the point of this post.

If you can help with the running of the site in any way, shape or form, please do get in touch as we would love to hear from you. Ideally were looking to put together a team to make the overall running of the site as smooth as possible. What we are looking for are people with skills in, or are interested in the following:

Joomla! content creation/editing
Forum Moderators
Article writing/editing

If you feel you can help in some way, or would like to try something a little different, you can either PM me here or email
The collection:

Atari 260ST, 520ST, 520ST+, 520STfm, STacy, Mega ST2
Atari STe, Mega STE, ST Book
Atari TT030, with 2GB Hard drive
Atari Falcon, 14MB, 40GB IDE drive
Atari Megafile 44

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Re: AMN is back

Post by factor6 »

Hm, good to see the site back, I already moved my new album to my own website because AMN was not accessible. What happened with Donovan Logan? Why did he delete all his email, twitter and facebook accounts? WITHOUT TELLING A WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this behaviour really INSULTS me, after so much friendly correspondation by DL). This is why must not to believe this site anymore. Or should I?
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Re: AMN is back

Post by mal7921 »

Well, it's now under new stewardship and with a small team currently led by me :)

I have a few idea's for the future, but if you have any suggestions or would like to get involved, please post or PM either myself or any member of the moderating team.
The collection:

Atari 260ST, 520ST, 520ST+, 520STfm, STacy, Mega ST2
Atari STe, Mega STE, ST Book
Atari TT030, with 2GB Hard drive
Atari Falcon, 14MB, 40GB IDE drive
Atari Megafile 44

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Re: AMN is back

Post by factor6 »

Okay, I plan to release another album in fall or winter (YM chiptunes), so I hope AMN won't disappear again :lol: For now, keep up the good work! :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
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Re: AMN is back

Post by mal7921 »

I have no intention on letting the site vanish again, though it must be remembered that the very survival of a site like this is as much dependent on it's visitors as it is the people working in the background. Without us the site cannot exist, without you the site cannot grow.
The collection:

Atari 260ST, 520ST, 520ST+, 520STfm, STacy, Mega ST2
Atari STe, Mega STE, ST Book
Atari TT030, with 2GB Hard drive
Atari Falcon, 14MB, 40GB IDE drive
Atari Megafile 44

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Re: AMN is back

Post by Ultrasyd »

Nice to see this website back : ) Keep up the good job !
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Re: AMN is back

Post by mal7921 »

I couldn't let this place just disappear and die, so here it is.

There are some plans that I'm discussing, though it is far too early to mention as yet, though I still have the issue of buying the overall rights to the place. Discussions are starting about that but rest assured that I have no intention of this place falling off the internet again.

As I have said before though, I and the others helping can keep the site online, but it's people like yourselves that allow the place to grow, so while we get things finalised in the background, we would appreciate it if our visitors could spread the word that we are back, at least until were in a position to start shouting ourselves again :) (Which will be soon...)
The collection:

Atari 260ST, 520ST, 520ST+, 520STfm, STacy, Mega ST2
Atari STe, Mega STE, ST Book
Atari TT030, with 2GB Hard drive
Atari Falcon, 14MB, 40GB IDE drive
Atari Megafile 44

The website and the Atari bit
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