Amiga 1200 on the net

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Amiga 1200 on the net

Post by scarrabri »

Hi I was wondering how many Amiga folk are on the net as I love to use my A1200 and will surf the net for hours I use Roadshow because it works real well and was easy to set up unlike easynet which was a night mare ,although it has become a bit of a ritual every sat/sun morning I fire her up and she clatters away eagerly ,I am quite sure the old girl must be talking to someone or something ,very best wishes Brian. :)
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Re: Amiga 1200 on the net

Post by mal7921 »

This is something I'd like to look into as I have a 1200 which is currently sat waiting for some form of use. I've got an old PowerBook 1400 on the net and booting from flashcard so it is totally silent (Not bad for a 17 year old laptop) and would like to look at the 1200 and do something with it.

It does need a hard drive, and probably the OS as it was given to me with an incomplete set of disks.
The collection:

Atari 260ST, 520ST, 520ST+, 520STfm, STacy, Mega ST2
Atari STe, Mega STE, ST Book
Atari TT030, with 2GB Hard drive
Atari Falcon, 14MB, 40GB IDE drive
Atari Megafile 44

The website and the Atari bit
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